Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Art of Giving

These past few days have been very rewarding. Who would have known that by creating art with the solely intentions of putting a big smile into other people's faces could be soo much more rewarding? Last friday, I was invited to go to my sister's school for an event called "Reading Under Stars" the event was to encourage children to enjoy reading by listening to stories been read by authors and students also had the chance to read out loud some of their own. I was the invited illustrator and my job was to paint a picture for the school and share the process with the kids. It was wonderful to hear their suggestions, the stories that they begin to make up as they saw the painting develop and also share with them alongside the first book I illustrated with Kids Love Mother Earth, founded by Esther Sampedro. What a beautiful night!

Another project that I wanted to share with you, is Lily's Foundation. Artists were invited to paint the kite as a donation for their auction. Here is the kite, I hope it brings them lots of money!

1 comment:

GerardoV said...

Great use of colors, contrasts and shades. That is what a painting should be.