Monday, July 27, 2009

Creative Monday

Finally the banner has been decided! I can now check it off my list! Although I had a difficult time deciding, I realize that I just need to keep moving and its all part of learning as I go. I really like the concept of the banner; however I am bit dissatisfied with the resolution and the quality of the picture (I think I'll have to redo it) step at a time...

Last night I was going through my art books and a sudden inspiration came from my favourite of all times: Edgar Degas, I just love the colours and brush strokes from this period. It was one of those moments you know? that you just have to get to your brush paints and do something? and than 2..and 3 hours passed by..and voila! The artwork is not finished but I thought it would be nice to show this phase of the work. What artists inspired you?


Liason said...

i love love love your banner. it is so bold and joyful. well done!
and i love your Degas inspired ballerina! keep up the awesome work.

Liason said...

it just occurred to me, maybe you were talking about the banner you've chosen for your future store(s) that you haven't revealed; i was referring to your blog header, with the bicycle, i SO love it.

nicole said...


GerardoV said...

Love the use of colors.