Monday, August 31, 2009

Visit to Abuelita Sarah

My niece Claudia and I went to visit my grandmother last Saturday. Our previous plan was that we were going to see her to spend time with her and bake some of her fabulous desserts! but unfortunately she wasn't feeling so much up for it so we just spent time with her until we completely exhausted her from our visit. Claudia had a wonderful chat with her about her life and what she wants to do in the future, maybe a future vet? Needless to say we enjoyed spending time with her, she told me some stories about her life in Cuba that I could include in her book, and gave me a couple of her wonderful dessert recipes (which I am not sure if the amounts are correct, "un poquito" = a little bit of this a little bit of that" kind of recipe. When we left, we promised to come back and the three us will bake together. After our visit, Claudia and I went to Merrick Park Village, had some lunch and window shop for a bit. It was a beautiful day spending time with my two lovely girls!

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