Monday, August 17, 2009

Julie and Julia

This weekend Jim and I went to see the movie Julie and Julia. Needless to say, I loved it! I have always had great fascination for people who follow their passion regardless of age, financial situation and peer pressures. Maybe because deep inside they have the incredible faith and courage that for so long I haven't had. This movie was inspiring and I felt that I could relate so much with Julie. For one, I have been the person that always had so many ideas and started many things but never finished them and second, I didn't truly believe in myself to be able to succeed.

It has been over a year since I created this Blog and having this outlet made me accountable to finish my projects, as well and most importantly keep my passion about art alive. I realize that responsibilities and just "things" can continuously distracts us from our goals, but this should never be an excuse. Through this Blog I have learned that sometimes we may not know where this journey will take us but it’s definitely good to be true to yourself.

Among my goals were opening a store which I have done. I have quite a long list of things to do such as: Include more art for sale, prepare a small press release, mailing lists etc.. but in the midst of this, I have been working on a personal project that is very dear to me and will be sharing with you more about it this week. Whoever you are in this Cyber World, I hope you can share with me your comments that are so much appreciate it!

1 comment:

Alissa said...

Oh, I loved it too! I dragged my reluctant husband and he even loved it! I also found it really inspiring. You've got a lot on your plate it sounds like! I can't wait to hear more about this secret-personal project. Hmmm, what could it be??? I'll save my speculation until the cat is out of the bag!